Central Asian Geography: The Oasis Zone

       Factors explaining the layering of ecological zones

Eurasian Monsoon Climate

Mountain barriers



Higher rainfall at lower latitudes

Lower evaporation rates at higher latitudes

Desert zone Map


       Types of Desert

High Pebble Desert Plateau in Tianshan Mountains with snowy peaks in background

Gobi Desert with pebbles

Taklamakan Desert and Turfan Basin Map

Sand and dunes

Where are the oases (green spots on map) located on the map?

       Turfan Basin Map

Turfan Basin’s Arid Climate

6 inches (156 mm) annual precipitation

100° F (38° C) summer average high

505 feet (154 m) below sea level

Birtth of an Oasis in Turfan

Spring and Summer Melt

Headwaters of Alagou River in Tianshan Mountains

River at Shengjinkou, Turfan

Oasis Irrigated Agriculture

Fields with village in background near Astana

Silk Road Project members crossing irrigated field toward Buddhist Yar Khoto Caves

       Turfan Trade routes Map

       Sogdiana Map

           Zarafshan River at Panjikent

Discussion: Hansen 1-13, 25-29 (docs. 1-2)

1. How does Hansen define the Silk Road? (p. 5-6) How is her definition similar or different from Golden and Whitfield?

2a. What historical sources does Hansen propose to use to study the Silk Road?

Why does she think that premodern documents are important? What does she mean when she says, “Nothing is more valuable than information extracted from trash because no one has edited it in any way” (p. 5)? Do you agree with her?

2b. What is the value of the modern travelers’ accounts, such as Blackmore in 1993 and Sven Hedin in 1895 (documents 1 and 2)?

What was travel through the Taklamakan Desert like? Would most premodern travelers have taken these types of cross-desert routes?

3. According to Golden, the steppe and oasis zones are interdependent. He quotes the medieval Turks’ saying “A Turk is never without a Persian [Tat], just as” a head is never without a hat? (p. 18)

Does Hansen seem to consider the steppe zone to be an important component of the oasis zone? (She briefly mentions Pazyryk on p. 13)

What does she view as the most important external power?